There’s No Such Thing As Fitness Motivation

How many times have you set up a fantastic fitness plan and how many have you failed? The plan was perfect. It combined cardio and strength training to keep yourself fit, lean, and strong. You still remember starting on your fitness journey. The first day was tough but you were excited to try something new. The second day was challenging, but you managed to push yourself. But on the third day, you found excuses. 


I’m too sore. 

It’s too late. 

I’ll do more tomorrow. 


And one excuse to the other, you abandoned the fitness plan. You’re probably thinking that you lack motivation. You would be right. But that doesn’t mean you should blame yourself. Most of us assume that motivation is something we need to magically make appear in our lives. Motivation requires discipline, accessibility, and convenience, otherwise, it can disappear at the first hassle. In other words, you can’t just wake up one morning and hope to be motivated enough to transform your fitness regime. You have to make room for motivation to arise and stay. 

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Make it relevant

The first and most harmful thing you can do to your motivation is to create a fitness program that requires a lot of effort to implement. Picture the scene. You’ve registered for an early fitness class at the local gym, hoping to burn some calories before heading to the office. But after a couple of days, you’ll soon spot the issues in the plan. You’re not an early riser and that makes you cranky all day long. 


The bottom line? You haven’t integrated your fitness plan naturally into your lifestyle. It can be a lot more effective to find time in your day for exercises that fit within your routine, such as a yoga workout to help you wake up. You can follow an online class from your lounge, waking up gently before your day at work. This could be a better option for you, rather than imposing choices that don’t match your personality. 


Make it convenient

Why head to a gym studio when you plan a workout at home? Gentle, bodyweight activities can be done in your living room, for instance, or in a spare room. If you’ve got a basement or a garage, it’s a good idea to keep your gym equipment there. You can spruce up the place with a safe garage door installation and a fresh coat of paint, for instance. You can also add insulation to make your home gym more comfortable. 

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Start small and progress

There’s no point starting with high intensity and high calories-burning activities. You won’t be able to remain consistent in the long term. When it comes to creating a fitness routine, you want to focus on consistency, aka being able to work out often. Therefore, it’s easier to set simple goals at first, such as running a couple of miles. You can gradually add to your workout as your fitness levels improve. 


You don’t need motivation when you can turn your fitness plan into a habit that seamlessly integrates into your lifestyle. Remember: You’re your best cheerleader and your worst enemy. Therefore, make your fitness routine sustainable, otherwise, you are likely going to find an excuse to skip it!