Moosh Moosh

Do your kids have Moosh-Moosh yet?  If not, you need to get on the bandwagon.  This year little guy had a field trip.  Since the field trips are so far away the school lets the kids bring pillows with them.  This is not something I knew about before hand I guess it was just common knowledge.  I went to pick up little guy when they got back.  I watched as kid after kid got off the bus with either their huge could hardly carry pillow.  Yet some the smarter ones got off with their Moos-Moosh.

I was so excited when I saw this, I know my son would be so excited to go on his next field trip with his Moosh-Moosh. My little guy is autistic and stuff like a bus full of kids, the noises and everyone in one small place is a lot for him.  The next field trip he went on he got to bring his friend.  When he got off the bus the teacher said it was his best day yet.  Every time it got too much for him, he snuggled up to his friend and it calmed him right down.

Moosh – Moosh are not just for autistic kids our whole family loves them.  They have different sizes and different animals.  With so many different ones one thing does not change they are all cuddly, soft and too cute for words.

My son takes them and makes a nest with them and hangs out in his nest.  I on the other hand love to cuddle with my unicorns.  Want even better news they also have sequins ones and they have sippers.  Your family is going to love these cute cuddly friends this year.  Head here to find out more about your new best friends.


We got these as part of our Unicorn Gift Guide coming this June. We were not obligated to do a full review, but we loved them too much not too.