Becoming an Influencer

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I get asked a lot about becoming an influencer.  The truth is it is not a walk in the park.  A lot of people think I just sign on and bam I am an influencer.  This is not the way it works.  Yes, I do get to try out some awesome stuff and I do get to work from home.  Both of these are great, but these is also a lot of work that goes into it.

Before you start a blog or anything else is to pick your subject.  Now to be honest I never had a specific topic.  I do try and always keep it family friendly and in that I have found my subject.  If you are truly passionate about something then go for it.  If you are like me and love so much you can go the Lifestyles rout, I took.

One you have picked your subject pick your name, make sure its not taken and work on getting your social media number up.  Start interacting with people.  Social media is going to be a huge part of your blog if you start one or even just becoming a social media influencer.  You are not going to do it without the numbers.  There is a lot of work on Instagram and if you don’t have the numbers you won’t get the jobs.

Work on your pictures.  Posting great pictures is going to be huge.  Now I have to admit I need to work on my pictures.   This is something most of us could also use a little help with.  Make sure to do your research and practice, practice, practice.  The better your pictures the more interaction you will get on social media.

Once you have worked on these it’s time to get your name out there.  You can join different influencer programs to get recognized and even apply for jobs.  You have to be on this.  You will get emails from a lot of them but checking daily for jobs is a must.

There are so many different kinds of jobs out there.  Between social media post, blog posts, events, and so much more it can be a blast.  There is a lot of people out there trying to get that one job.  You will have to make sure you stand out.

I would like to point out,  you are not going to become rich overnight.  Most of us never will.  If this is something you are thinking of doing to get free stuff, this is not what you are looking for.  Becoming an influencer is a lot of work and you must be dedicated.  You will not work 10 hours a week and be good.  If you truly want to have an online voice and have some fun then this may just be the job for you,