You can control AIRHOGS SUPERNOVA with the powers of your hands.  Toss it to launch it, touchless controls. With over 30+ Tricks figures.  All this and no worry about a remote control.


So, when we took this out of the box my nephew knew right away what it was and he was excited.  The Supernova was so much fun it was a go to right when he got home from school.  I love that it has this rubber protective circle on the outside.

If you needed to catch it, it was not going to hurt you.  Plus, it just bounced lightly off everything so it did not hurt a thing.  It even ran into a few pictures on the shelf and nothing broke it just changed direction.  He says “I like how it’s really good for kids because they can grab it when its time. And it wont chop there finger off” lol




This is a do not do outside it will take off and you will lose it. The inside flashed colors.  The boys have made up what they mean.  When it turned dark green you are ready to drop it, then it turned white and green.  It is on the move.  If it gets stuck in the corner of the house it started turning rainbow.  When it turns red it means it going to turn off so get ready for it to drop.  When it is flashing blue, it means its doing good.

When you first get it make sure you do a full charge.   The charge does not last too long so you will have to charge it a few times.  He has been working on the tricks and having a blast.  Spin Master has got a #1 winner here.  All the boys get so excited when this comes out I know they are all going to get along for a few minutes.  Yes, this is a little loud we just send them into the other room so it’s not so bad.

AIRHOGS SUPERNOVA was a hit for sure.  This will make a great gift this year for all the kids.

We got this free from Spin Master in exchange for an honest review.