I got the chance to try out rash dash and loved it.

Who wants to hear my horror story? As most of you know we just got back from our road trip. We were gone for over a week, as I was leaving the house I did my check list turn off lights, take down trash, pay bills. When we got home I noticed a biggie I had forgotten empty diaper bin. You can all guess what it smelled like after I had gotten home. To make it worse I had pulled out the bin and placed next to the door right in the sun light and forgot to empty it. So when I went to get the mail my savor was waiting for me. Trash Dash. We had tried everything the night before air freshener, cleaning; even carpet smelly stuff just to get the smell out of the house and diaper pail nothing was working. So when I got the trash dash I ran back home and opened immediately and poured not only on the bottom of the pail but also in the new bag that was inside why not be extra safe. Within an hour the pail and the house was smelling better. To top it off I use it in their still and when I open it to drop the diaper in I no longer get the rush of bad smell. We have also started using it in our kitchen garbage can and I no longer get those nasty food smells coming out of it. This is such an easy product to use I am so happy I have found it for the future. I am also going to try it in out garbage cans down stairs. Due to bears they have to stay in the garage till garbage day and you can guess they are not the ripest. I cannot wait to see the magic they work on those.
Trash dash in my opinion should be called magic trash dash. It worked wonder for our house. You can buy this wonderful product at your local Wal-Mart or you can get 2 bottles for $8.49 using the link below. They have 2 wonderful scents Lavender and Citrus Burst. I have been using the citrus burst in the kitchen and the lavender in our bathroom trash can. You all know I am obsessed with my bath time. Now when I head to go take my bath the room smells wonderful and calming. This fantastic product is also safe for trash compactors.
I would recommend this product to every one
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I would like to note all though I was given this product free to try all opinions are my own I will always be truth-full with you guys. Please see full disclosure below