How to Get Skin That’s So Smooth

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There are so many things that can affect your skin. Stress, aging, the sun, pollution, and dehydration will all cause dryness, wrinkles, and blemishes. Older women that have been through the menopause are also prone to an overall loss of smoothness to their skin. It may not be possible to get your skin a smooth as a baby’s, but there are things you can do to help.

Improve Your Diet To Improve Your Skin

Skipping sugary treats will help to fight the loss of collagen in your skin, as well as helping with many other health conditions. Eating fish twice a week can help to smooth the skin all over your body, and drinking plenty of water to keep it hydrated will help too. Add some berries to your diet for the extra vitamins, as many of them have the ones you need to keep your skin looking its best. Nuts and whole can also have beneficial effects on your skin.

Get Enough Sleep

It is said that you can sleep your way to beautiful smooth skin. You should try to have 7 to 8 hours every night if you want your skin to repair itself while you are asleep. Sleep is your body’s way of dealing with the mental and physical stresses you have put it through, and a lack of it will affect all aspects of your well being.

When your mind and body are not properly rested, it is much easier to become anxious and stressed. Stress can produce extra lines on your face, which is what you are trying to avoid.

Exercise Plenty

If you have a busy lifestyle you may be thinking that you do not have time to go to a gym a few times a week. That is not the only way to exercise though, as you can change a few things in your life to fit some extra exercise in. Instead of using an elevator, for example, use the stairs. You could get off the bus or train one stop earlier and walk a little further to work. You could go for a walk in your lunch hour or take the dog a walk each evening, if you have one of course. Is walking is not a favorite thing to do, consider taking up dancing or some other form of exercise.

Just like with your diet and sleeping patterns, having enough exercise has other health benefits as well as being very good for your skin.

Getting Rid Of Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Wrinkles and fine lines have a habit of creeping up on us and before we know it there are plenty of them. There are ways of getting rid of such things as smokers lines from your top lip and crows feet from around your eyes. Keeping your skin moisturized will help and one of the finest things for this is coconut oil which is often found in specialist eye balms. These help your skin to maintain its elasticity which it would usually lose as you get older. As well as reducing the appearance of these wrinkles and lines, it has properties that will help to fight infections and reduce the appearance of blemishes. If you don’t want to wait for the results to kick in, get a head start with the help of somewhere like Park Avenue Skin Care; they can adminster some botox injections to eradicate your wrinkles while you wait for your new skin care routine to take over.

You could buy expensive creams, but coconut oil massaged into your skin every night will do the job perfectly.

Exfoliating once a week can also help, as this will get rid of any dead skin cells and the fresher new ones from underneath will be what you see. Some beauticians will advise that other than your face, you could exfoliate the rest of you 2 or 3 times a week.

Avoid being in the sun without a sunscreen as well. The suns rays can dry out your skin making the likelihood of wrinkles worse, as well as be a cause of skin cancer.

Remove Makeup With A Gentle Cleanser

Although washing your face may make you feel cleaner it can also cause overproduction of oils if you do it too often. You are better to use a gentle cleanser, which will also remover any makeup you have been wearing. Follow that with a toner to remove anything that was left behind, and then moisturize.

You should not forget to clean your lips either. Use a little warm water and a soft toothbrush to gently clean away any dead skins cells, which can make your lips, become sore and cracked.

Don’t forget to clean your makeup brushes too. They can easily collect germs while they are sitting about and these could be the cause of infection on your face.

Hands And Feet

Externally, hands and feet get more use than any other part of the body. They are not always treated well as people try to totter around in stilettoes, or just wear shoes that are too tight, just because they are fashionable. Feet are prone to get a rough deal from us, but they should be given some extra care, and so should our hands.

Our hands can be plunged in and out of water all day and they can be used for numerous tasks that do not do them any good.

These extremities both need to be looked after. Moisturizing creams that contain shea butter, coconut oil, and vitamins A, C, and, E will help them to stay soft and more comfortable. After all, our feet support us and enable us to move around and our hands let us pick things up, such as food among other things. They deserve to be cared for.

Other Skin Treatments

If you have the time, the money, and the inclination there are plenty of skin treatments around. You could try microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing, or maybe a chemical peel treatment. These work by toning and tightening your skin while minimizing the effects of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes. They are all a different process that tackles the problems, but they will have similar effects in that they will make your skin as smooth as it is ever likely to be. You may also wish to visit website and see what other revenues there are to tightening the skin and making it a lot smoother.


For many of us, our body hair is a great source of annoyance and gets in the way of having the smooth and soft skin we’ve been working so hard to achieve. Regular shaving, tweezing, plucking and waxing can be not only very time-consuming but also incredibly painful; especially if you do them on a regular basis. But for many, if we want perfectly smooth skin and care about our body hair it’s a necessary sacrifice. However, this doesn’t have to be the case there are many services offering laser hair removal so you no longer have to worry about going through all that trouble every day. You can even get laser hair removal at home to make the process even simpler.

You may be able to avoid these though by starting to care for yourself and your skin in ways that will make you both healthier and looking better for it.