Nuby Wacky Ware

We got the chance to try out the Nuby Wacky Ware and we loved it.


When I saw this bowl I totally thought wacky Wednesday.  So of course we had to make a family game night of it that baby boy loved.  We have made Wednesdays a family night where we read the book and we get to use our great new bowl for dinner where I make a few things in the house wacky.  We turn stuff upside down we move other stuff and while we eat we guess what is wacky around the house baby boy loved it.  The bowl was a perfect fit for our game.


As you also know we had spent quite some time these last few weeks at the hospital this bowl came with us.  With its tight fitting lid and being microwaveable it was perfect.  Instead of having to feed my baby boy all that hospital food I would make his lunch up before we left and throw it in my purse so not matter what happened I knew he was going to get a healthy meal.  This bowl also made a little fun and a little bit of home for baby boy while we were out of town. 


The design is cute and perfect for any little one and is very durable.  With all the traveling and of course with a two year old this bowl hold up great did not spill in my purse and still looks like new. 


I would recommend this bowl to everyone.

To get your own wacky bowl and start your own family night head here

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I would like to note all though I was given it free to try all opinions are my own I will always be truth-full with you guys.