Farewell, Old Abode. How To Say Goodbye To Your Former Home

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Saying goodbye to your home and moving to a new one should be simple. After all, it’s just a house. 


But, of course, homes are more than brick-and-mortar. These residences contain precious memories that will last a lifetime. Many people stay in the same house for their entire lives, so moving can have a profound psychological impact. While local movers can take care of your belongings and unpack them at your new location, they can’t take care of how you feel. That’s your responsibility. 


The purpose of this post is to provide you with ways to say goodbye to your old abode. Here are some ideas. 


Create A Memory Book


Sometimes, leaving your old home is inevitable. You have to move for work, family, or some other reason you can’t avoid. When this happens, creating a memory book to remember your property can help significantly. Adding photos and images to a scrapbook can conserve memories and help you avoid feeling like you’re leaving the good times behind. 


Creating a memory book shouldn’t take long, but there’s no need to rush it. After all, it’s something you’ll use to remember your home for years to come. 


Leave Something Behind


You can also say goodbye to an old abode by leaving various things behind for the new people moving in. Bags for the children or wine in the cellar can be great housewarming gifts that make new people feel welcome. 


However, leaving things behind can also have a positive psychological effect. By leaving some possessions with the new homeowners, you can feel like a part of you is still there and making a difference. 


Don’t Rush To Sell


Another option is to slow down the sales process. You don’t have to rush and get the whole thing wrapped up in a couple of weeks. 


Slowing down gives you time to think and opens up more options. You may find that your circumstances change during the transaction and you can stay where you are right now. You may also discover that your reasons for moving become more compelling, making it easier to let go. 


Take Some Photos

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You could also say goodbye by hiring a professional to take photos of your home as it was when you left. This way, you have a permanent memory you can take with you, regardless of what life throws at you. 


Taking photos of the interior and exterior can be an excellent way to feel good about your home. You can remember how you decorated it and use some of the ideas in your new property or accommodation. That way, you can make it feel like you are still living in the same place, even if you’re moving halfway across the country. 


Remember That People Make A Home

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Finally, it is worth reminding yourself that it’s people who make a home. Wherever they are, that’s where your home should be. An empty building doesn’t have any value in itself and won’t create any memories of its own.