
           Tinkertoys from Knex


  Let me start with OMG these are so much fun.  I have never played with these before.  I have no idea why these were never introduced to me but I am in love.  We had so much fun with these.  My son picked what I was going to build and then he was off building his very own creation.  They have so many different pieces to fit together only your imagination will be you limit with these.  I loved that they had pieces that bent also.  I am not just limited to straight lines.



  I made the windmill that they sent directions for.  It was so easy to follow their directions; I had it together in just a few minutes.  Then we were off to build lollypops.  LOL don’t ask me he is 5 we build what he wants.  No matter what he thought of we had the right pieces to put it together.  If you have a little one who has a great imagination this is a must buy for the holiday season.  Not only will your little one have a blast with these but you will too.  Knex has a wide range of toys you and your little one will love.  You can build as a family or your little one can build by themselves. 


Tinkertoy can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

K’NEX can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.

Buy your own Tinkertoys


I got these to try in exchange for an honest review