As you may or may not know, the new Justice League movie just started streaming on HBO Max and I wanted to tell you about some of the awesome Justice League or superhero merch from TVStoreOnline #justiceleague

You can find items perrtaining to the following characters: Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, The Joker, Lois Lane, Hawkman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Cybory, Mera, and The Flash.
Tabbys Pantry

Who is your go to from the Justice League? Most of you know I am a Wonder Woman girl. I have always loved everything about her. I can not wait to show you what I picked. Picking this time was hard they have so much for the Wonder Woman lover that you are going to want it all.

Chatty Pattys Place
I personally love the Justice League and have the awesome leggings and a matching blazer Patty purchased separately that I love wearing to events I attend. Here are the leggings, and I think you’ll agree that they’re awesome:
I made some boards featuring some of my favorite Justice League items, which can all be found on the website! Check them out!
One winner will receive their choice of product, based on availability up to $50 value from TVStoreOnline. Open to US 18 and over in 48 contiguous states.
See below for terms and conditions. Open to U.S. and Canada residents of the 48 contiguous United States. You must be 18 years old to enter to win. This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on 4/17/21.All entries will be verified—only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Any person who has won a prize (or whose household has won a prize) in any promotion sponsored by the Sponsor in the past thirty (30) days before this contest start date is not eligible to win a prize in this contest. Entrants who have created social accounts purely for the purpose of entering Competitions or Sweepstakes will not be eligible to win. All social accounts used must be public.
The winner will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter and contacted via email. A reply to the winning email is required within 48 hours before a new winner is chosen. Void where prohibited by law. One person entering per household, please. Chatty Patty’s Place and Tabby’s Pantry are not responsible for shipment of prize.
The winner will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter and contacted via email. A reply to the winning email is required within 48 hours before a new winner is chosen. Void where prohibited by law. One person entering per household, please. Chatty Patty’s Place and Tabby’s Pantry are not responsible for shipment of prize.
I would give this to my husband,he would love it.
My grandchildren.
I would give this to my three sons! They would love it! Thanks!
I would actually use this for myself…they have so many fun things at their site! I’d love taking the time to pick out something that would make me happy!
I would gift this to my husband and nephew and not sure who would be more excited!