Flat Iron

                             Gurin Ceramic Flat Iron Hair Straighten Review


   Like most my hair can get crazy, but for the most part when it is this short it is just fluffy.  Some times I wake up and it looks like I am back in the 80’s with feathered air.  A hair straighter is one of the best items I have in my hair arsenal.  If you have the right one it can take just a few minutes to have your hair looking sleek shinny and like you spent a whole lot more time doing it.

 I have made the mistake in the past of buying a hair strainer that was not ceramic.  Boy that was the wrong thing to do.   They never heat up evenly. It takes forever to get your hair straight, and it was always pulling my hair.  


  This fantastic straighter was not only ceramic it also had a temperature dial.   Which I love some days I just need a touch up and I don’t need it to be 400 degrees, but some days I need the full power of this straighter.  I also loved that it has a very long cord.  I am not stuck right next to the outlet in the bathroom.  It also came with a fantastic carrying case.  When I am on the road not I don’t have to worry about the cords and the space, this takes up very little room in my bag. 

 I loved this straighter.  It did not pull my hair at all. My hair shinny and straight in just a few minutes.  I would recommend it to everyone

To buy your very own head to the link below.




I would like to note all though I was given this product free to try all opinions are my own I will always be truth-full with you guys. Please see full disclosure below


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