3 Tips for Keeping a Positive Mindset When Dealing with Difficulties


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Unfortunately, it’s a basic fact of life that difficult situations inevitably arise from time to time, and it’s not always possible to have a seamless path forward.


When faced with difficult situations in general, it’s always important to keep a generally positive mindset – without, of course, overdoing it and feeling as though you have to have a big smile on your face at all times.


Of course, keeping a positive mindset is often a lot easier said than done.


Here are a few tips on how to keep a positive mindset when dealing with difficulties.


Focus on what you can do to address, sidestep, or work around the issue – instead of focusing too much on the issue itself


If you feel completely helpless when faced by a negative or difficult situation, there is a good chance that you will find it very difficult to keep any kind of positive outlook going.


Even in the case of situations that you really can’t change, however, there will always be things you can do to address, sidestep, workaround, or even make your peace with the situation, instead of just feeling completely helpless and dominated by it.


A general rule for maintaining a positive outlook, is to focus on what you can do with regards to how you address or relate to the situation at hand – instead of focusing too much on the issue itself.


If you notice that you are experiencing signs of hearing loss, for example, you would be better off arranging an appointment with an audiologist than ruminating.


Try to center yourself in the present moment as much as possible, and take things one step at a time


If you allow yourself to get heavily caught up in your concerns for the future, or regrets and frustrations about the past, it is very likely that you will slip into a generally negative mindset, and will find it very difficult to maintain a sense of optimism and agency.


A good way of counteracting this tendency, is to try to centre yourself in the present moment as much as possible, and to take things one step at a time.


Often, when you bring your awareness to the here and now, you will see that things aren’t quite as bad as they may seem – and there are always things you can do in the moment to improve your situation, even if only by degrees.


Support yourself with beautiful and uplifting things each day


If you are in a difficult situation, it might seem that you simply need to be completely practical in order to try and address it, and that anything like enjoying a funny movie, or taking some time to appreciate the sunrise, would be an irresponsible waste of time.


While it’s certainly necessary to keep the right balance, however, supporting yourself with beautiful and uplifting things each day can really help you to maintain a positive outlook on life as a whole.


So, consider buying some essential oils, and taking some time to savor the good things in life.


  1. We have all been through so much the last year. These are great tips.

  2. This last year has been tough but I can see how this will relax a person.

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