Bubble Gum Princess

Bubble Gum Princess

We got the chance to read the new book Bubble Gum Princess and loved it.

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This very enjoyable kid’s book was written by Julie Gribble and illustrated by Lori Hanson.  This is a wonderful book about a young girl who loved to blow bubble gum bubble.  One day she is invited to a royal party where bubble gum blowing is not allowed.  When a big bubbly gum bubble is popped in front of the queen they are kicked out of the palace.  This is when she goes to find out whom really blew the bubble and finds it is a surprising person.

Baby boy of course is too young to know what bubble gum is but enjoyed the book.  He thought I was talking about play bubble and we had to read the book a few times.  This had quickly become one of his favorite books.  The story is a great story about a young girl’s favorite thing to do and how not everything is a bad thing some things we forget as adults are actually very fun and can still be enjoyed by everyone.  As a mom who loved to have fun with their little one, I see how this book is a great reminder to all of us that just because you don’t do something anymore does not mean that it is not one of the funnest things you have done in the past.  Give it another try you just might have the kid come out in you and find something you love to do again.

I would recommend this book to everyone with little ones.

To find out more about the Bubble Gum Princess head here

I would like to note all though I was given this product free to try all opinions are my own I will always be truth-full with you guys. Please see full disclosure below
