As you all know we love a great game night. There is nothing better then getting together with a few friends and playing a few games. After all, who doesn’t love exposing all their secrets in a game of never have i ever… Not only do you get to know each other better but its a great way to spend the night indoors. We do family game night about once a month during the summer and a whole lot more during the winter. Who wants to go out at night in the cold and rain when you can have a lot more fun staying in.

Where would you put it? Scroll down to see if you were right.
If you are looking for some great games that will really help you know each other better you can not go wrong with GAMES ADULTS PLAY. They have a wide range of games that were all a blast to play. Not that I would of course but yes any of these could be turned into a fun drinking game. But of course I would never do that lol.

Did you get it right?
I have to say one of the best ones was Shit Happens. When you have a couple like me and Geoff that if it can go wrong it will this was right up our alley. The trick here is when you are playing always assume the worst case that could happen.
PLANO, TX – August 1, 2018 –
Games Adults Play™, a new line of wickedly fun
games, is available now at Target, Walmart, Amazon and more. This collection features Sip It®, True Colors®, Tossed Salad®, Friend or Faux®, and the Shit Happens™ collection.
Test your friendships with
True Colors, the revealing party
game that will prove how well you know your friends, and if they really know you. True Colors features over 85 hilarious questions where players secretly cast votes for who they think fits the description.
BYOB? Don’t forget
Sip It! This is the ultimate drinking
game that serves up a side of laughter. Players take turns drawing cards that include tasks ranging from wildly ridiculous to mildly embarrassing. If a task is a little too sour for your taste, players must take a sip or lose points.
Tossed Salad is the fast-paced
game of quick thinking and acting nasty. This charades-like
game is sure to prove who has the dirtiest mind and ensure hours of laughter. Players split into two teams and must get their teammates to shout out the double entendre listed on their card.
In the
Shit Happens collection, players read through the shitty situation cards and must guess their order according to their shittiness. Each of the cards are ranked from 0-100 according to The Official Misery Index. What’s worse? Stepping in dog shit or finding half a dead hooker in your bed? The
player who most accurately guesses, keeps the card. There are five
games in the collection, including: the original Shit Happens, the expanded Full of Shit, the Little Shits expansion packs, Too Shitty for Work edition and the 50 Shades of Shit edition.
Gather old friends, new friends, and faux friends to
play Friend or Faux. Points are earned, and unexpected connections are made through five rounds of increasingly revealing questions. Get personal, share stories, recall memories and make new friends with Friend or Faux.
I got this free in exchange for an honest review.
I really want to try that tossed salad game!! It looks and sounds amazing!