Camarena Tequila

I got the chance to try this great tequila and love it.


If you are anything like me when someone says tequila you flash back to college days when you drank the bottle that cost you $4 – $5 and let’s be honest you could taste those for days.   I have always been a good tequila lover so when I got the chance to try out this tequila I was so excited.  When it first came the first thing I noticed was the beautiful bottle.  I love this bottle looks fancy and was very easy to open.  When I opened it up it smelled like tequila but not that sour tequila smell.  So of course first thing I had to do was take a shot.  And was very excited it went down smooth and did not burn my throat at all.  It had a great taste but did not linger for too long.  The second thing I did was call a few good friends over and made them my favorite holiday drink and of course holiday salsa.

This great tequila is made with 100% blue agave not all tequilas are.

The salsa is quick and easy to make

2 tomatoes

1 jalapeño

½ onion

Lemon juice

Lime juice

Garlic salt


And of course a shot of Camarena tequila

Chop all and mix.  Let sit in fridge for 3 hours. The tequila will bring out the flavors like you would not believe


One if my favorite low cal holiday drinks

In blender mix

Cranberry juice


Camarena Tequila

Poor into measuring cup clean blender and add

Green food coloring

Coconut water


Then poor both in cup at same time and make a nice red and green frozen drink


Want to add a little more flavor poor in a shot of strawberry margarita mix on the top


Hubby’s holiday drink

2 shots Camarena  tequila

Cranberry juice

7 up

Stir and drink.

If you have a ton of people coming over make a few of these ready to go add a little green food coloring into  a few of them and have red and green drinks ready to go.


The holidays can be fun and inventive what are you favorite holiday drinks?


Please remember you must be 21 to drink, and never, never, never drink and drive.  There is always a way to get where you want to go without putting yourself and other’s in danger

Have a wonderful holiday.

This is  fantastic tequila I will definitely be buying some to keep on hand.

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I would like to note all though I was given this product free to try all opinions are my own I will always be truth-full with you guys.