Are You Dealing With More Than Just Typical Teen Behavior?

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Even when they start throwing tantrums and learning how to say no, young kids are generally willing to respect and listen to their parents, especially with the help of relatively simple tools like reward systems. Yet, when the teen years hit, all of that can very quickly change. 


It’s something that we all prepare for, but the varied severity of teenage behavior can still leave some parents questioning – when exactly do I know that my teen’s gone beyond the bounds of normal ‘teenage’ behavior?


After all, some teenagers will always be better than others, and some may slip down such a bad slope during this period of testing boundaries that they need a little help to get back up. Instead of simply putting up with or watching this descent, parents should therefore always take action if their teen begins to display the following worrying red flags amongst their normal grumpy behavior. 


Violence at home


No parent should ever feel threatened by their child, and if this is happening with you then therapy, as offered by organizations like Youth Villages, is often the only option for restoring a family home where you can all feel as happy and safe as you should. With violent teen behavior being a driving cause for teens having to leave their family homes, this certainly isn’t something that you can let slip but should be addressed as soon as violent or aggressive language begins being used, and certainly if physical violence is ever displayed. 

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Serious legal troubles


Many teens receive a slap on the wrist from the police at some stage for everything from underage drinking to disturbing the peace. While not ideal, the police deal with this kind of thing all of the time, and will likely give your teen a stern talking to that should stop them from doing the same again. However, if your teen is in continual legal trouble for more serious crimes like assault, drug abuse, etc., then it’s another sign things have gone beyond the norm. In this instance, working with the police, or seeking outside help to get to the root of these behaviors, is the best possible option for avoiding escalating issues, and even the potential of time in a juvenile detention center or worse later on. 


Complete disrespect


Disrespect is a standard teen behavior, but there’s a limit on even this. For instance, if backchat becomes an ongoing issue and your teen doesn’t ever listen then you might need to take action. This is especially true if your teen continually disregards household rules, or even invites unwanted guests against your will, etc., and is best handled with firm, consistent rules, repetitive language, and, again, professional help like family therapy that can hopefully address why your teen deems it okay to treat you this way. 

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Difficult teen behavior can feel like something that you simply have to put up with, but if issues like these keep on escalating, then your entire family could benefit from a more proactive approach to achieve harmony once more.