The Small Noises That Signal Big Problems For Your Home


Everyone’s home makes noise, and we all get used to the same sounds that occur over and over again. But every now and again you’ll hear something a little strange. Even though it’s quiet, it can stun you simply because it wasn’t there before. Well, you are right to be concerned. Because behind every small noise could lie a serious issue. Read on to find out more and learn how to use your ears to discover major issues with your house.

Knocking in the walls

Don’t panic if you hear knocking on the walls – it is unlikely to be the host of some poor person who was walled up alive in years gone by. But it still might be a big problem that is worth checking out. If you turn on your faucets and a knocking or banging starts, the chances are that your pipes are loose in your wall cavity. The noise is, most likely, the pipe banging against the stud, and it won’t stop until you open up the wall and fix the issue. Leave it, and you risk a burst pipe – and even damage to your walls. If you fear that you have a burst water pipe, it might be a good idea for you to have a look at the Prices of plumbers in Edinburgh, as they should be able to help you with any plumbing problems that you may have.

The humming fridge

New fridges are quieter than mice, but even older refrigerators shouldn’t make lots of noise. If yours is humming – and it’s getting louder – then you have a problem. You might be packing too much food in there, causing the motors to overwork. Try keeping your fridge a maximum of three-quarters full and see if things calm down. If not, you will need to call in an appliance specialist, fast. If the motors or electrical devices burn out, it might mean a new fridge. And as anyone who is on the search for a new one will tell you, they don’t come cheap these days.



There is nothing more chilling than hearing the noise of something scurrying around in your walls ceilings, or under the floors. It won’t be beautiful little pixies or fairies, either. The likelihood is you have a rodent problem – if not now, soon. Rats and mice breed like, well, rodents, so the quicker you solve the problem, the easier it will be. You’ll need to call in a specialist to deal with all areas of your home, from attic cleaning to basement cleaning. You also might think about getting a cat at some point in the future.


If you hear gurgling from your bathroom, it’s time to check your toilet. You might have a backup in your sewer line or something could have been flushed away that shouldn’t have. Either way, the only thing you can do now is to get in touch with and hire a sewer line cleaning service to help get rid of the problem before it gets worse. If you think you might have a sewer issue, you might want to look into trenchless sewer pipe lining. Again, take action as fast as possible. If you don’t, your last week or so of bodily waste could come back to haunt you in a big way.

Running water
If you hear running water but no one is using it, move fast. There is no doubt that you have a leak somewhere, so the quicker you find the source, the better. Early Leak Detection is key when you are concerned about running water, so it is important to check all of your water sources as quickly as possible. If you are stumped and can’t find anything, turn off your water. You will need to check every wall, floorboard, and ceiling for damage, and you should also contact a good plumber. Leaving a leak can cause severe damage to your home, from causing damp and rot to creating foundation issues. The former could cause you serious health problems, while the latter is an expensive fix.